Decorating Luxurious Truffles*

With Christmas coming up, why not treat your friends and family to some beautiful (and delicious) treats, homemade by yourselves. It really isn’t as difficult as they look! And the delightful packaging makes all the difference. Ensure you use dairy free alternatives where necessary. These recipes contain nuts but of course, if allergic, remove them completely! They will last in the fridge for about a week – if you haven’t devoured them before that!

Decorated Truffles

Decorated Truffles

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Chocolate Vodka Martini

What is better than chocolate, what is better than a cocktail? The combination of course! To be fair, this is to an acquired taste as some find it too sickly but I love it. Make it look delightful with the chocolate decoration around the glass and why not dust the rim in cocoa? Instead of vodka add Baileys or Tia Maria if you fancy…

Chocolate Martini

Chocolate Martini

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Chicken and Leek Puff Pie

This is an all-time favourite in our family for those winter months. A lovely Sunday lunch meal when no-one quite fancies a roast. This rich, creamy sauce is warming and filling. The pastry topping can be swapped for some wheat-free mashed potatoes for those allergy-guests. Remember to leave a hole in the pastry topping to allow the steam to escape and preventing those dreaded soggy crusts.


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Seafood Risotto*

seafood risottoI love eating seafood and this is a dish to delight. It doesn’t have to be expensive cuts of fish – prepared frozen packets of seafood are acceptable to use here, just ensure they are thoroughly defrosted beforehand and piping hot to serve.


1 mug of risotto rice (1 full mug tends to feed 2 people, use more or less depending on appetite)

1 onion

1 tbsp oil

1/3 bottle white wine

1 pint of fish or vegetable stock

150-200g sun-dried tomatoes, chopped into thin slices

300g fresh spinach and rocket

100g peas

2 bag of mixed seafood or approx 500g mix of prawns, squid, mussels, clams, etc

salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cut the onion into small pieces
  2. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and sweat the onions (gently cook)
  3. Add the risotto rice and heat over a medium heat. The rice will turn transparent around the edges, this is when to add the wine
  4. Add the wine and cook off the alcohol
  5. Now gradually add the stock, a little at a time. STIR CONSTANTLY!!
  6. After about 20-30 minutes, the rice will be almost ready – check some to ensure it is nearly cooked to your preference
  7. Now add the seafood, tomatoes, spinach, rocket, peas
  8. Season to taste
  9. Heat up everything until piping hot, stirring all the time
  10. Serve with a slice of lemon and enjoy 😀

seafood risotto (2)

PREP:  less than 5 mins

COOK: 30 mins