Veggie Quiche*

A quick and easy dinner that is ready in less than half an hour. Instead of those shop-bought bung in oven, use this simple recipe. You can even cheat by buying ready-made shortcrust pastry to speed it up. This recipe is OK as a wheat-free version and even works with almond milk and goats cheese for dairy free people but unfortunately isn’t so great soya, wheat and dairy free. Don’t expect wheat and dairy free pastry to roll out nicely though, be prepared for some patchwork.

Quiche Lorraine

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Veggie Quiche*

A quick and easy dinner that is ready in less than half an hour. Instead of those shop-bought bung in oven, use this simple recipe. You can even cheat by buying ready-made shortcrust pastry to speed it up. This recipe is OK as a wheat-free version and even works with almond milk and goats cheese for dairy free people but unfortunately isn’t so great soya, wheat and dairy free. Don’t expect wheat and dairy free pastry to roll out nicely though, be prepared for some patchwork.

Veggie Quiche

Veggie Quiche

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Cauliflower Cheese (*)

A lovely side dish for roast dish. To make it wheat and dairy free use the correct ingredients in the sauce and add mustard instead of cheese. Additionally, crumble over some wheat-free breadcrumbs for a crunchy topping instead of cheese.

Cauliflower Cheese

Cauliflower Cheese

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Butternut Squash Soup*

This quick, easy, warming soup is great for lunches or even just to warm yourself up. There’s nothing to it really but something so quick and simple is surprisingly delicious! Naturally wheat and dairy free too.

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

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