Decorating Luxurious Truffles*

With Christmas coming up, why not treat your friends and family to some beautiful (and delicious) treats, homemade by yourselves. It really isn’t as difficult as they look! And the delightful packaging makes all the difference. Ensure you use dairy free alternatives where necessary. These recipes contain nuts but of course, if allergic, remove them completely! They will last in the fridge for about a week – if you haven’t devoured them before that!

Decorated Truffles

Decorated Truffles

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Chocolate Custard

An old recipe that my Granny taught me, we used to always have steamed puddings with chocolate custard after a Sunday Roast and I always helped in he kitchen so I’ve now learnt the tricks to a great, fail safe custard.

This recipe is a simpler version to most. There’s no faffing around with heating the milk separately and ensuring it doesn’t boil over. This is the quickest and easiest recipe around! I’ll admit how strange I am here (and how obsessed I am with chocolate) as I eat this custard as a pudding itself! I love a thick custard but if you want it thinner, cook it for less time and simply add 1/2 tbsp less corn flour.

The recipe traditionally uses corn flour (naturally wheat free), however I had run out so used plain flour and it works just as well. If you don’t fancy chocolate flavour then why not try adding a vanilla pod instead? If you don’t like steamed puddings or have to have some fruit, custard is also great served with apple crumble!

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